Interfacer - Update 1.4

This is quite a large update!

Major features added:

-Combat and health mechanics

-Improved jump mechanics (coyote time)

-Beginnings of new region: Low-Level Accommodations (hopefully at least halfway complete by next update)

-One new enemy (Sentry), with more to come

Minor feature added:

-Footstep sounds play when walking

-The placeholder character sprite used earlier has been changed out for one drawn by me, although it doesn't look the best, I prefer having something I made myself, and so the character has been changed to a small robot I have yet to decide a name for

-Beginnings of a save system, keeping track of area and position, and in future updates, collected items, upgrades, and settings

-Added death animation for when health runs out, knockback animation for when taking damage is WIP right now, so not yet implemented, you just kinda stand there and take damage

-Again, probably a couple small things I  probably forgot, but rest assured, things are being worked on, as is apparent!


v1.4.rar 43 MB
23 days ago

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