Interfacer Alpha 1.2 Update

Updated/Added Features in Version Alpha 1.2


-The delay for the airlocks to open in start room has been reduced from 10 seconds to 5

-Fixed the fade-to-black at the end of introductory cutscene (it actually does it's job and fades out now)

-Added decorative antennas, antenna dishes, and rebar to exterior of hallway


-New rooms to explore after cutscene has played!

Features of new rooms:

-Elevators, ladders, some readable signs (doesn't seem like much, but it was hell to get these working)

-The decorative antennas, antenna dishes, and rebar on exterior of hallway as seen in the start cutscene

-Sound effects for opening doors, vents, using elevator, etc.


Interfacer 26 MB
46 days ago

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